Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

Who got hit in Turn 1

A few regiments took heavy losses in Turn 1. Here are the top 11. There are 7 Union and 4 Confederate regiments. 8 of the regiments were engaged at Cosner's Gap, with 3 at Sagarville.

The regiment with the heaviest losses was the 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, which was on the skirmish line that was faced with the initial Confederate onslaught at Cosner's Gap. The regiment's brigade commander fell in the action. 

The 87th Indiana was one of the first infantry regiments to arrive on the field at Sagarville and took heavy losses from sharpshooters while waiting for the rest of its division to come up before it could even advance to engage the enemy.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

All Turn 1 Reports Out

Remarkably, all Turn 1 Reports are out. It was a rush job, so let me know if there is anything that looks like an error. Each player should have received a report and a copy of the engagement maps. Take a look through them. Orders are due by next Sunday.

Report Interpretation

Reports for this simulation will be very basic. If a brigade was engaged, you will receive a screenshot of the brigades order of battle screen as of the end of the turn. It provides a wealth of information on the brigade's status:

Change of Plans.... Turn 1 Maps are out.

I decided to send out engagement maps first. They have just gone out to both armies. Only units visible to your army appear. I will start working on the Corps reports with the stats, but it may take a while. I will try to get them out by Monday night.

Turn 1 Over

Turn 1 has been completed, with contact at Cosner's Gap, Sitesville, Sagarville, Madison, and Garrettsville. I am working on reports now, that I will send to Corps Commanders. I may not have maps completed until later in the week. (I am running short on time and may just have to use a modified version of the in-game map at the end of the turn, with non-visible units removed and minimal labels). Stay tuned for reports that will give you the status of your divisions and any brigades and batteries that were engaged.

There were some surprises. Some guns that clearly appeared to be captured in the Cosner's Gap video only showed as having been routed in the order of battle screens at the end of the turn. These will be treated as routed guns for the side that lost them. 

Edit: While going through the OB screens, I can clearly see one of these captured guns appearing as captured by a Confederate regiment and still actively attached to a Confederate Battery. The other gun was captured and then routed on Confederate OB screens, but only appears routed on the Union side.  I will treat the gun in possession of the Confederates as captured. It will be permanently removed from the US battery and serve with the Confederates. The gun that was captured / routed, (but only appears as routed on the US OB screens) will be treated as routed and return to the Union battery for Turn 4 (Day 2).

Brief Strategic Summary - Turn 1

This very brief video shows advances made on and from the Confederate line in Turn 1.

Cavalry Meets Infantry at Garrettsville - Turn 1

Some light shelling at Madison - Turn 1

Friday, October 12, 2018

Non Visible Units in Videos and Turn Reports

Just because a unit is not shown in a video or turn report doesn't mean that it is not there. Videos for contact will only show units that are visible to both sides. Turn reports will only show units that are visible to your side. I switch the scenario settings back and forth from one army to another to determine what units are visible and what units are not visible to each side during a turn.

To use this feature of simulation reporting to best advantage, you may wish to study this informational video:

Contact at Sitesville - Turn 1

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Skrimishing at Sitesville

There has been some light skirmish line contact at Sitesville. A video should be out tomorrow.

Canon Fire Heard at Sitesville

Canon fire has been heard in the vicinity of Sitesville…..  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Action at Cosner's Gap Turn 1

Here is a look at the Turn 1 engagement at Cosner's Gap. Details will be out in reports over the weekend.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"This is no skirmish!"

The Army of the South Branch has taken the strategic initiative by moving cavalry against the Confederates at Cosner's Gap, effectively blocking them from movement westward. The Confederates, however, took an aggressive stance and attacked the Federal line as it was forming. Fighting still continues, with at least five brigade commanders down.  Confederates have over-run Union cavalry at the Simmons Farm, but a ragged blue line is holding on to the Powell Farm. The fighting has stretched northward to the banks of Gap Run...

A video of the action will be released soon, but details and reports will not be available until the weekend.

Working on Cosner's Gap - Turn 1

There will be action at Cosner's Gap during Turn 1.  I had initially planned to hold all reports until Sunday the 14th, but I may release the video early, with the specific reports later. The video would be available here. I hope to run the scenario tonight or tomorrow.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Orders are In!

All orders have been received. Nice work by all players. Turn 1 reports will be out next weekend.  Expect engagements in multiple locations....

Friday, October 5, 2018

Turn 1 Union Orders In...

All Union orders have been received for Turn 1. Nice job on the part of the Army of the South Branch.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

High Morale in Union Army

Morale in the Union Army of the South Branch appears to be high as they prepare to enter the North Branch Campaign. All corps except one has submitted their orders, with the final corps having indicated that they are preparing orders now. No word yet from the Confederate Army of the Mountains...  Orders for Turn 1 are due by Sunday.

Seymoursville Map Available

The modded TC2M map for Seymoursville is now available.

Test of Seymoursville Map