Friday, December 7, 2018

Lull in Action

We are still in a lull in the simulation. The Confederate side has requested an extension in issuing Turn 4 orders. We may not be able to continue until after December 15th.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Extra Intel - Who's Who in the North Branch Campaign

As we wait on Turn 4, here is a little bonus intel...

During the war, opposing officers often knew each other well. In some cases they served together in the "Old Army."  Others faced each other across the battlefield. The same can be said in our command simulations. Up to now, the opponents haven't known who they are facing.

Union Army: 

Army Command / Cavalry Corps: Greg
I Corps: Kooch
V Corps: Andres
VI Corps: Tom
XII Corps: Jake

Confederate Army:

Army Command / Cavalry / V Corps: Iain (Turn 1), Chase (Turns 2 & 3)
I Corps: Chase
II Corps: Jim
III Corps: Dima

For those of you who have fought together or fought each other, that might give you a little additional insight into the person across the battlefield from you.

Slight Delay in Turn 4

Turn 4 is a little delayed. Most orders are in, but I am still waiting on a few key pieces. With any long and complicated sim, real life issues often need to take precedence and an extension is needed for Turn 4 orders for some Confederate units. I am not certain where contact will take place yet and which divisions might be there, so I can't start running turns. I will keep you posted.