Saturday, July 14, 2018

Warren Map

I am working on the modded map for the town of Warren, which lies east of Foxtown and north of Arlington on the campaign map. It is along one possible line of advance for the Union army, if it chooses to move divisions along the north east sector of the campaign theater and then south to Arlington.

There are only two entry / exit points in play on the map for this simulation: 1) The Foxtown-Dover Rd. between Foxtown and Warren (entering at the Stansberry Farm), and 2) Warren Rd. between Warren southward to McNeal, Tomlinson Ford, and Arlington (entering / exiting at the Gardner farm). The Federal objective on this map is the small town of Warren, on a slight rise above Marsh Creek. In the rules for the upcoming simulation, if the Federals take their objective on a map, the Confederates must withdraw.

An additional rule will be that the Confederates must protect their route of withdrawal. If there are Federal troops across the road and blocking the withdrawal route, the Confederates on the map will be considered routed, break up, and reform at Arlington later. They will incur additional losses of men missing and captured (5% - 20%)  that will be calculated by a random roll of a four-sided die. So on the Warren Map, the Confederates will need to defend Warren, while ensuring that they are able to keep the Warren Road from falling into Union Control.

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