Saturday, December 7, 2019

Campaign Losses

During the Campaign, the following infantry regiments had the highest loss by percentage of men enlisted:


  1. 3rd Kentucky - 44.5%
  2. 1st Arkansas - 38.8%
  3. 7th Louisiana - 38.7%
  4. 6th Louisiana - 38.1%
  5. 2nd Kentucky - 35.9%
  1. 1st Indiana - 91.3% (regiment captured near the end of the campaign)
  2. 2nd Indiana - 51.9%
  3. 3rd Ohio - 39.1%
  4. 2nd Ohio - 37.7%
  5. 4th Ohio - 29.7%

The four Union regiments with the highest losses were all part of the battles fought by Brigadier General Solomon Lewis' ad hoc brigade in on the August 17 - 22nd August. Three of the Confederates regiments with the high losses were also in the same battles, having only come onto the field in August.  During those engagements, Brigadier General Lewis moved south from Clinton against Indiana Rock Manor, to help extricate the 2nd and 3rd Ohio (from Brigadier General Benjamin F. Smith's Brigade) from Twin Fords, where they were cut off by the enemy. Lewis' force then became cut off from his lines and tried to fight his way back to safety.  Lewis' men fought hard, until they ran out of ammunition and where pinched at Lebanon on August 22nd. Overall, they extracted a toll on their opponents during several days of fighting as follows:

Engagement Lewis' Losses Confederate Losses 
August 17 - Indian Rock Manor 66 103
August 19 - Clinton 218 450
August 20 - Shingleton 204 530
August 21 - Carothers 51 116
August 22 - Lebanon 202 349
Total 741 1548

The overall losses for two months of hard campaigning looked like this:

CS Department of TennesseeKilledWoundedMissingTotal
July 186126911342131616
August 186161223534873452
Campaign Total88134877005068
US District of the OhioKilledWoundedMissingTotal
July 186129711892381724
August 186137615309052811
Campaign Total673271911434535

The losses by regiment for each month are in the following returns of casualties: 

Confederate Losses by Unit - August 1861

It was a hard-fought campaign by both sides.

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