Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Union Forces Re-Take Newtown (July 17)

Confederates crossing the South Branch River at Newtown Ford. There has been little rain so far during the campaign and the fords are easily crossed by all units. The Confederates are marching west on the Kingston Rd. from Sagarville. They had left Sagarville in the morning and were not present at the engagement there 

Federal infantry marching south on the Newtown Rd. reach the S. Jones house and are able to confirm a Confederate presence in the town. 

A Confederate cavalry battalion is deployed among the buildings in the northwest corner of the town and awaits the enemy advance. 

Federals advance to engage while under fire from the enemy cavalry in the town. One battalion deploys near an orchard east of the Newtown Road and other battalion moves into a corn field west of the road. 

As fighting begins, the unit that had forded the river deploys into a wheat field north of the Kingston Road and prepares to move towards the Federal left flank. 

Both Federal battalions have opened fire on the Confederate cavalry in town. A battalion of Federal cavalry is in reserve and a section of artillery is deploying just south of  Clear Creek. Confederates can be seen in the wheat field advancing westward against the enemy flank. 

Confederates holding as an enemy artillery piece opens fire. 

Confederates have reached the orchard on the northeast corner of town and are firing into the left flank of the Union infantry that is engaged at the other side of the orchard. 

Federal artillery lends support. 

The right  (1st) Battalion of the Union infantry is slowly advancing through the corn field towards the enemy in town. 

The left (2nd) Battalion gives way under flanking fire on its left. 

Union cavalry opens fire as it replaces the infantry that has fallen back.

Despite losses, Confederate cavalry holds firm in town. 

The Union right charges into town to draw out and dislodge the Confederate cavalry. 

A fierce melee ensues that is eventually too much for the Rebels, who break and retreat. All Confederate units withdraw, ceding Newtown to the Union. 

his engagement was fought under AI. The scenario was scripted with the Confederate cavalry in town and all other forces marching by road to Newtown. Once contact was made, all actions were undertaken by the officers on the field under AI. Casualties were monitored to see when one side or the other reached its threshold signaling a retreat. 

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