Sunday, November 17, 2019

Federals Take Kingston! - August 16, 1861

This is one of those unexpected outcomes in a simulation. There were only two regiments involved in this engagement: the 3rd Tennessee Infantry (Colonel Vaughn) and the 3rd Indiana Infantry (Colonel Holzmann). The 3rd Tennessee had a much higher casualty threshold for the engagement, the terrain was flat, and there is no way to really flank the enemy without another friendly unit providing fire to the front of an opposing unit. I thought this would clearly end with the 3rd Indiana withdrawing back to Black Horse Tavern.

The scenario was set so that the 3rd Tennessee was deployed in the center of town, but set for "attack," because the army commander had ordered all units with smoothbore weapons to close ground when engaged.  The 3rd Indiana was scripted to moved down the Tavern Road to the center of Kingston, and was also set for "attack." I did not intervene at all during the scenario.

As the 3rd Indiana approached, the 3rd Tennessee advanced out of town to meet it. The 3rd Indiana then veered off the road to the west, as if trying to gain the 3rd Tennessee's flank. In response, the 3rd Tennessee moved east off the road. It was also like watching a boxing match, as they seemed to keep looking for a better position, starting to form, and then moving again. The 3rd Indiana stopped in an orchard and slowly wheeled, managing to open fire on the 3rd Tennessee while it was still also trying to wheel into position. I thought the 3rd Tennessee would complete its wheel and return fire. Instead, it formed column and marched back to the middle of town.

While the 3rd Tennessee was heading back to the center of town, it was still in range of the 3rd Indiana. But instead of continuing to fire, the 3rd Indiana also formed column again, followed them, and then charged. When the resulting melee broke, the 3rd Tennessee was in full retreat. I couldn't believe it, but that is how it went down...

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