Monday, November 4, 2019

Lewis Re-appears at Clinton: August 4, 1861

Solomon Lewis, now a Brigadier General, left Madison on the morning of August 1st. On August 4th, he led a column north up the Indian Rock Road and encountered the 3rd Kentucky Infantry (CS) at Clinton. The 3rd Kentucky had been dislodged from Cedar Grove on the 2nd and was deployed at the south end of Clinton, on the Clinton Pike. 
The 3rd Kentucky at the south end of Clinton on August 4, 1861,

Brigadier General Solomon Lewis approaches Clinton from the south on the Indian Rock Road, with his force that had taken Madison at the end of July and the addition of a cavalry battalion.  

As the 3rd Kentucky opens fire on the Federal cavalry at the vanguard of Lewis' column, Lewis' infantry moves to the cavalry's left, leading it into a swamp, with one regiment going through the swamp and up onto the hill west of Clinton. 

Although approaching from the south, Lewis' infantry attacks the 3rd Kentucky with one regiment to the southwest in the swamp and the other working its way across the hill to attack from higher elevation to the west. 

Although the 3rd Kentucky inflicted higher losses on Lewis' men than it received in return, the larger Union force was able to absorb more casualties. The 3rd Kentucky eventually retreated westward down the Clinton Pike to Hogbin's Store, leaving Clinton in possession of Brigadier General Lewis and his men. 

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